Understanding Plea Bargains

Understanding Plea Bargains


Getting a criminal charge begins a legal process that can land you in jail if you’re not careful and don’t have help from a Philadelphia criminal defense law firm. The justice system is designed in such a way that a criminal charge can be pleaded down to a lesser charge with less of an impact on your life. Here’s a look at plea bargains, how they work, and why you should retain a lawyer to get you the best possible deal from the prosecution.

What is a Plea Bargain?

A plea bargain is the result of negotiations between your lawyer and the state’s attorney for a lesser charge. It can reduce prison time to supervision, shorten the length of a possible jail sentence, and turn a felony into a misdemeanor. The bargain you get depends on your charge(s), criminal history, and your personal circumstances.

How a Plea Bargain Works

Your lawyer approaches the state or district attorney, or vice versa. They’ll discuss your case, and your attorney will negotiate a lesser charge or reduced sentencing in order to get you a better outcome. In some cases, the district attorney may not reduce the charges as much as you like, but that’s usually due to prior offenses and their severity. All lawyers, no matter if they’re a Philadelphia drug lawyer or criminal defense attorney, will work to get you the best possible deal.

The Benefits of Accepting the Deal

Accepting a plea deal is usually to your benefit, even though it may not seem so at the time. The state has the right to hold you to any punishment it deems fit because you willingly broke the law. The fact that the state is negotiating with your lawyer indicates that there’s room for leniency and a lesser punishment.

It’s almost always best to take the deal that’s offered. You always have the option to go to trial in front of a judge or jury, but you assume the risk you’ll get a harsher sentence. It also allows you to start working on the issues that led you to offend and do so in supportive environments.

Holding Up Your End of the Bargain

Plea bargains often come with requirements that you have to fulfill in order to successfully conclude your case. That can include being on probation and not getting new charges, attending drug or alcohol programs, or anger management classes. You’ll agree to the terms in court, and the judge can accept the deal or not. Most of the time, the judge does accept the deal and finalizes the terms.

The most important reason for complying with the plea bargain is that it keeps you out of jail in many cases. The plea bargain is often used as a diversionary program to help you make positive changes.

In the event you wind up having to serve time, the agreement can reduce the amount of time you have to spend locked up. You can get back to your life sooner as well as take advantage of programs inside the jail that prepare you for a better life.

Get Help From a Philadelphia Criminal Lawyer Today

Don’t try to navigate the criminal justice system without help from a lawyer. Call the Law Offices of Richard J. Fuschino Jr. today for a consultation. Richard Fuschino Jr. is a former prosecuting attorney who knows how the Philadelphia court system works. He’s ready to provide you with an aggressive defense for your case and work towards getting you the best result.

We provide legal support for people charged with everything from white-collar crime to DUI and more. Let us help you navigate the court system with the least impact on your life.