Understanding the Difference Between Drug Cultivation and Drug Manufacturing
What’s the Difference Between Drug Cultivation and Drug Manufacturing?
Whether your state has legalized a drug like marijuana or not, it can be confusing to know when a drug is being cultivated and when it is being manufactured. In the eyes of the law, depending on which you’re charged with, the consequences could be severe. At The Law Offices of Richard J. Fuschino JR., our criminal lawyers in Philadelphia, PA believe everyone should understand the charges being given to them. Here’s what you need to know about the difference between drug cultivation and drug manufacturing.
What is Drug Cultivation?
Drug cultivation involves the process of growing a drug. This typically refers to marijuana although it also applies to any other drug that can be grown. While some states allow the recreational and medical use of marijuana, they likely also have laws that detail if patients can grow drugs at home. Some states don’t allow drug cultivation of a drug that has become legal to use medically and recreationally. Others do.
Yet those that do also may have a limit on the number of plants that you can grow at home. Growing more than that number can still be punishable by the law.
There’s also the federal government to consider. Because the federal government hasn’t legalized the use of marijuana, they still may choose to prosecute. However, most of the time, federal officers typically follow a “hands-off” policy.
What is Drug Manufacturing?
Drug manufacturing, on the other hand, covers the area in which drugs have to be created. These are the drugs that require certain chemicals and chemical processes to be made. One of the most popular examples is meth. To make meth, manufacturers need a certain amount of chemicals and a lab to cook them.
Being prosecuted for drug manufacturing can have serious consequences, especially if you’re being prosecuted for manufacturing Schedule IV or V drugs. Those who are making the drugs aren’t the only ones who can be prosecuted either. If you sell the equipment to make the drug or sell the chemicals to make the drug, you can also be prosecuted for drug manufacturing.
Get Your Defense Team Today
Knowing the subtle differences between drug cultivation and manufacturing, plus all of the different laws that surround them can be complex. Hiring our best drug case lawyers ensures you receive the defense that you deserve. Call our office today.